Electricity Transmission & Distribution Support Services
  1. Design, Procurement, Installation & Maintenance of Electricity Distribution Systems
  2. Design, Installation and Maintenance of Street Lighting Systems
  3. Design and Installation of Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Electrical Wiring Systems and Safety Equipment
  4. Weed and Growth Clearing Under Electricity Transmission and Distribution Lines
Energy Management Services
  1. Investment Grade Commercial and Industrial Energy Auditing Services
  2. Industrial and Commercial Energy Management Services
  3. Institutional Development & Capacity Building
Energy Research and Policy Advisory Services
  1. Energy Consumer Research
  2. Energy Technology Research
  3. Energy Policy Research
Renewable Energy
  1. Design, Importation, Procurement, Installation and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems (Wind, Solar, Water Heating Systems)
  2. Design and Installation of Solar Crop Drying Systems
  3. Cultivation & Production of Fuel wood  Charcoal
Transport Energy Management Services
  1. Electric Vehicle Promotion and Advisory Services
  2. Vehicle Fuel Conversion Services (Natural Gas)
  3. Fuel Cell Vehicle Research, Promotion and Advisory Services
Productive Uses of Energy
  1. Energy for Irrigation Services
  2. Energy for Agriculture Services
  3. Solar Crop Drying Systems
Energy Financing
  1. Identification of Energy Financing Sources
  2. Development of Proposals for Energy Studies and Project financing.
  3. Development of Bankable Proposals for Supply and Energy Service Financing


Industrial Fuel Management Services
  1. Industrial Combustion and Heating System Services
  2. Industrial Fuel substitution Service
Energy and Climate Change Advisory Services
  1. Climate Change Impact Analysis
  2. Climate Financing Advisory Services